11.5 KM
21. June 2025
Start: 7:08 pm
2 hours before sunset
Closing Time: 10:08 pm
Ortsplatz Traunkirchen

The “Traunkirchen Genuss-Lauf” is the middle distance of the sporting event at Lake Traunsee. The distance of 11.5 km offers all runners the chance to enjoy the idyllic panorama while running.
The starting signal for the “Genuss-Lauf” (pleasure run!) is given at 7:08 pm in Traunkirchen and leads the runners via Altmünster to the motivation mile and the finish line in Gmunden.
Regardless of the distance completed, the so called “Motivation Mile” offers all runners a unique finish: Numerous spectators and special acts will once again cheer for the participants in the city of Gmunden next to the lakeshore and make the last few meters an unforgettable experience.
After the award ceremony, all "finishers" can enjoy the fireworks over Lake Traunsee and celebrate the day's sporting successes.